Whilst trying to come up with a possible topic for a blog based
on self-imposed or regulatory restrictions surrounding information I could
blog, it was suggested that an interesting and amusing read may be the top ten
reasons for being late to work.
Whilst most of us cannot compete with some of the
potential extreme examples found, they are quite unbelievable, would
anyone really use them as I am sure all would make the headlines exposing a
fraudulent excuse very quickly!?
- Attacked by a swarm of bees
- Escaped lion roaming the streets
- Confined to home due to a terrorist alert
On the other hand classic excuses include:
- Stopped to help someone (aaaaah, there are some nice people out there)
- Lost Keys
- Fell asleep late and couldn’t wake up
- Alarm didn’t go off
- Ran out of fuel
Can you believe some people even cite wet washing as an excuse
for being late – well you can’t go to work in wet clothes now can you??
So to conclude this brief blog, how do you think we at DSCallards rate for
- Flight was late getting in
- Sent text explaining to……
- Stuck in traffic following an accident
- Had to queue at petrol station for fuel
- Forgot to change clocks
- Fog
- Snow
- Courtesy car didn’t have any fuel in it
- Waiting for a plumber
- Overslept
Not bad eh? Whilst some may not be very remarkable, they
are all ours ….. I’m off to find the beast of Dartmoor, I’ll be back to work in
a couple of days, wait for the text!
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