Wednesday 16 September 2015


When you think of charity you tend to think of just giving pages, friends of a certain age doing marathons or people sitting in bath tubs full of baked beans to send cash into the BBC to keep Pudsey socially relevant with the latest spotted eye patch, Gucci no doubt.

Personally this isn’t for me. Why can’t charity be something much more in line with my own beliefs and interests. I’m not sure if I’ll ever run a marathon and the idea of beans simply offends me, I think it’s more the assumption that everyone likes beans is the thing that really irritates me. Like the Beatles.

Moving on from my own irritations this was supposed to be about charity and how it can start at home and be more relevant to yourself.

I was first introduced to BOINC during my time at university in Sheffield. BOINC is a community based grid computing program which allows to you donate CPU cycles to crunch numbers for charitable purposes.  Very few of us use 100% of the resources our computer possess. BOINC uses a portion of this power to help solve mathematical problems or run test models for all sorts of different organisations. From searching for aliens to searching for a cure for cancer, trying to solve historical mathematical problems or helping analyse the Ebola virus, there is something for everyone.

Most charities can’t afford super computers to help with all their research, grid computing allows normal every day computers to link together to form a grid powerful to generate 6,187.945 TeraFLOPS.

Here at DSCallards we have signed up to the world community grid project and we use our old hardware to run BOINC and help all of causes here:

It’s a great way to repurpose old hardware which would have otherwise been thrown away. We are currently in the top 500 contributors in the UK and climbing.

Written by Luke Johnson, DSCallards.

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